For this project, we recieved a list of ten buildings of the city of Volos. Those buildings were chosen arond a central theme, and our instructions were to add ten other buildings and create a trail connecting those building. The trail should include a game that will allow people to learn more about the culture and history of Volos. Our building were axed around the public culture, and we decided to make a treasure hunt for our game.

We then designed a trail that would link the building togever. The trail was published on the wikilock website, accessible here.

Finnaly, a card game was created out of our previous work. The objective is tofind the differents place of interest in the city. The players start with a card which contain the vague location of their objectif, as well as an information and an ancien picture of the place. From there, the player must find te place where another card containing the information of their next objective await them.